Rose D'Amour

rose d’amour

Manifest ideas into creation and enliven your unique jewel story with FAITH JEWELS.


The FAITH JEWELS Rose d'Amour Ring is a very special jewel created as a love memento for a very special couple.

The story of this unique FAITH JEWELS creation begins with the curating of perfectly hued rare Australian Argyle Pink Diamonds. With her wealth of knowledge and contacts within the diamond trade, our Creative Director, Faith Hilda sourced a feature pink diamond in a highly sought-after, investment grade 3PR colour.



What is 3PR you may well ask?

FAITH JEWELS Pink Diamond Guide will help answer this.


Pink Diamond Colour

Australian Argyle Pink Diamonds are truly one of the world's best kept secrets and have achieved iconic investment status. In a range of stunning hues and intensities, from a very intense purplish pink to a blush pink champagne, these diamonds are so rare, most people will never see one. 

Pink diamonds are graded according to the intensity of colour in each individual stone. Argyle Diamonds uses a scale from 1 to 8, with 1 being the most intense colour and eight the lightest colour.


To showcase the magnificent Australian Argyle Pink Diamond in this unique engagement ring, a classic trinity setting was conceived. The central element of the setting utilises the framing of the feature diamond with a halo of Pink Diamonds and flanked by a matched pair of kite-shaped white diamonds, to give the overall design a balanced modern touch.


Our FAITH JEWELS unique creation showcases how curation of perfect gemstones and design harmonises the creation of a perfect jewel.

From cherished love tokens to investment jewellery, at FAITH JEWELS we love bringing your desires to life.

For more information please GET IN TOUCH with our friendly FAITH JEWELS Team.