Pink Diamond Guide



The now prized and rare pink diamonds, mined from the Argyle Diamond Mine in Western Australia, are separated into four primary categories:

PP – purplish pink
P – pink
PR – pink rose 
PC – pink champagne

These colours are then graded according to strength of a colour in a range from faint to very intense.

At first glance two diamonds can appear alike but in fact each one is very different.  There are four characteristics that will help you when buying a diamond, they are commonly known as the four C’s. Our Creative Director will help you with the decision process and explain these aspects more clearly.  

Like all diamonds, the four components that will help you when selecting your pink diamond are: 

Cut, Colour, Clarity & Carat weight  

The value of a diamond is determined using these four components.


The 4 C’s



The arrangement of the diamonds surfaces (facets). To bring out the best in a pink diamond it needs to be accurately cut and in the best proportions to achieve maximum brilliance, sparkle, and the best of its colour.



The range of natural colours go from natural black all the way to the purest white. 

Pink diamonds (the rarest of colours) are valued according to their depth of colour and colour tonings. Argyle grade the intensity of colour saturation within a range from 1-7 with 1 being the most intense colour.



This is to do with the internal features (inclusions) and any surface blemishes that are visible under 10x magnification. Some inclusions can be white and to the side which are more desirable than black carbon marks under the table of the stone and yet both stones can be graded the same.



The standard unit of weight for diamonds.


The final valuation of a diamond can only be made by the human eye despite many advances in technology.  Each stone is individually examined, and decisions are based on clarity, size, shape and with pink diamonds especially, colour.  We only provide high quality diamonds for you to fall forever in love with.

 All of our pink diamonds are conflict free!